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To install Gradio from main, run the following command:

pip install

*Note: Setting share=True in launch() will not work.




This class allows you to pass custom error messages to the user. You can do so by raising a gr.Error("custom message") anywhere in the code, and when that line is executed the custom message will appear in a modal on the demo.

Example Usage

import gradio as gr
def divide(numerator, denominator):
    if denominator == 0:
        raise gr.Error("Cannot divide by zero!")
gr.Interface(divide, ["number", "number"], "number").launch()


Parameter Description

<class 'str'>

default: "Error raised."

The error message to be displayed to the user.


import gradio as gr #from foo import BAR # def calculator(num1, operation, num2): if operation == "add": return num1 + num2 elif operation == "subtract": return num1 - num2 elif operation == "multiply": return num1 * num2 elif operation == "divide": if num2 == 0: raise gr.Error("Cannot divide by zero!") return num1 / num2 demo = gr.Interface( calculator, [ "number", gr.Radio(["add", "subtract", "multiply", "divide"]), "number" ], "number", examples=[ [45, "add", 3], [3.14, "divide", 2], [144, "multiply", 2.5], [0, "subtract", 1.2], ], title="Toy Calculator", description="Here's a sample toy calculator. Allows you to calculate things like $2+2=4$", ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()